============================ Utsusemi Change History ============================ :Author: Yasuhiro Inamura :Last Update: |today| .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Detailed logs Utsusemi4ChangeHistory2023 Utsusemi4ChangeHistory2022 Utsusemi4ChangeHistory2021 Utsusemi4ChangeHistory2020 Utsusemi4ChangeHistory2019 Utsusemi4ChangeHistory2018 Changes in 4.0.230907 ================================================================== Refer to :ref:`changehistory4.0.230907` in detail (only Japanese). - [Sep 07 2023](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that a part of the data reduction information in the saved d4m/d4mz file and sometimes core dump happens on loading saved d4m/d4mz. - [Sep 04 2023](update manyo): Improve the DoubleBinArrange to ignore small differences on comparing between double values. - [Sep 01 2023](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that a part of the data reduction information in the saved d4m/d4mz file of D4Mat2Slicer is lost. - [Aug 30 2023](bugfix manyo): The issue that MlfDetectorEfficiencyCorrection::MakeApproximateData does not make the data file with the correct format - [Aug 30 2023](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that None value returns from Cmm::IntegPixels function - [Aug 30 2023](update Utsusemi): Update the data files for the detector efficiency correction at AMR(2) - [Aug 29 2023](update Utsusemi): Update the data files for the detector efficiency correction at AMR - [Aug 25 2023](update Utsusemi): Update D4Mat2Slicer to use uGao::SliceViewer3D, and small bugfix - [Aug 25 2023](update Utsusemi): Improve the way to use MlfArraySlicer::CutAlongY in SaveDataToDAVEgrp - [Aug 22 2023](update Utsusemi): Revise some python codes to apply to PEP8(3) - [Aug 22 2023](update Utsusemi): Revise some python codes to apply to PEP8(2) - [Aug 22 2023](update Utsusemi): Revise some python codes to apply to PEP8 - [Aug 17 2023](update uGao): Add functions to choose parameter files by the given run number, and to load the Manyo Data Binary format file. - [Aug 10 2023](update uGao): Add the function to read text file. - [Aug 09 2023](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): The issue that ElementContainer treated by the SaveIqToText function occurs the error on plotting in MPlot with log axis. - [Aug 09 2023](update uGao): Add new function to slicing in order to append the sliced plot without elimination of the previous ones. - [Aug 09 2023](update uGao): Restructure the code of ViewMainData::getDataInformation in SliceViewer to use the method of ElementContainer.(2) - [Aug 09 2023](update uGao): Restructure the code of ViewMainData::getDataInformation in SliceViewer to use the method of ElementContainer. - [Aug 09 2023](update uGao): Chenge the global variables which are not called from other methods to local ones in the method of ViewMainData::getDataInformation in SliceViewer3D. - [Aug 09 2023](bugfix uGao): Revert ETS_TOOLKIT setting - [Aug 09 2023](update uGao): Change ETS_TOOLKIT setting and version information - [Aug 03 2023](update uGao): Revise README.md in SliceViewer3D folder - [Aug 02 2023](update uGao): Update README.md in SliceViewer3D folder - [Aug 02 2023](update uGao): Remove useless spaces at the end of lines. - [Aug 02 2023](update uGao): Add SliceViewer3D/README.md about the environment SliceViewer works. - [Aug 01 2023](bugfix uGao): Fixed a small bug. - [Aug 01 2023](bugfix uGao): Fixed many small bugs. - [Aug 01 2023](update uGao): Update SliceViewer3D codes to work on Ubuntu 22 with PySide6 and pyqtgraph - [Jul 31 2023](update uGao): To use boostXmlParser - [Jul 31 2023](update uGao): To use QApplication.screen instead of qApp.desktop - [Jul 31 2023](update uGao): To use QApplication and QApplication.screen instead of qApp and qApp.desktop Changes in 4.0.230719 ================================================================== Refer to :ref:`changehistory4.0.230719` in detail (only Japanese). - [Jul 19 2023](bugfix uGao): Fixed the issue that some functions of M2Plot+ do not work correctly with a log-scale axis mode. - [Jul 14 2023](update Utsusemi): Improve parameters to calculate the detector efficiency for AMR. - [Jul 14 2023](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that that PowderSQE occurs the error(3). - [Jul 14 2023](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that PowderSQE occurs the error(2). - [Jul 14 2023](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that PowderSQE occurs the error. - [Jul 12 2023](update Utsusemi): Add Install.py to build and install Utsusemi software. Changes in 4.0.230711 ================================================================== Refer to :ref:`changehistory4.0.230711` in detail (only Japanese). - [Jul 11 2023](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that the projection treatment of VisualCont occurs the error. - [Jul 10 2023](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that the compile fails on CentOS 7 - [Jul 10 2023](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): The issue that the compile fails on CentOS 7 - [Jul 05 2023](update manyo): Add the header contents of the original ElementContainerMatrix to the result of AverageElementContainerMatrix - [Jul 03 2023](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): The issue that import Manyo.SAS error occurs on the Utsusemi installed by debian package. Changes in 4.0.230615 ================================================================== Refer to :ref:`changehistory4.0.230615` in detail (only Japanese). - [Jun 15 2023](bugfix Utsusemi): Fixed the typo of th definition in the XtalPram.xml - [Jun 15 2023](updaate Utsusemi): Add the new facade PowderSQE produced by DR. R.Kajimoto - [Jun 12 2023](updaate Utsusemi): Add the comment blocks to codes as method documentations and remove useless space charactor at the end of a line - [Jun 12 2023](updaate Utsusemi): Add the comment blocks to codes as method documentations and fixed small bugs. - [Jun 12 2023](updaate Utsusemi): Add new method to calculate the power of the intensity on CalcContainers. - [Jun 12 2023](update manyo): Add the function to calculate the power of the intensity of containers in ElementConainerArray and -Matrix - [Jun 12 2023](update manyo): Add the function to calculate the power of the intensity of ElementConainer - [Jun 09 2023](update Utsusemi): Changes the default of the checkbox of save data with compress to ON. - [Jun 08 2023](update Utsusemi): Changes the LLD values of all PSD in all WiringInfo files in AMR(BL14) from 560 to 900. Changes in 4.0.230606 ================================================================== Refer to :ref:`changehistory4.0.230606` in detail (only Japanese). - [Jun 06 2023](updaate Utsusemi): Add the comment blocks to codes as method documentations and remove useless space charactor at the end of a line - [Jun 05 2023](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that NxspeFileIO can not read the saved nxspe file correctly (Almost of data points are masked.) - [Jun 05 2023](update Utsusemi): Unified the parameter formats for the time independent background correction between GetDataOfMonochroEi3 and GetNeunetHist - [Jun 05 2023](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that "Data Reduction Script" parameter on D4Mat2Slicer changes to "default" after loading the d4m data file. - [Jun 01 2023](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue of the invalid type of the argument of UtsusemiD4Matrix2::SetD4MatDataReductionContinuosSetAnglePerEncode - [May 31 2023](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add the description of RPMTSetMaskBy2Theta class in the code. - [May 31 2023](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): The issue that the histogram creation of RPMT with multi-runNos occurs the error. - [May 31 2023](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add new enable value d to the argument AxType of GetMonHistSAS - [May 29 2023](updaate Utsusemi): Imporove the UtsusemiFilterTrignet::DumpTrigEventFile to write the time stamp (date and time) in the output file. Changes in 4.0.230526 ================================================================== Refer to :ref:`changehistory4.0.230526` in detail (only Japanese). - [May 26 2023](update Utsusemi): Update Doxyfile and DoxySwig file - [May 26 2023](updaate Utsusemi): Add the comment blocks to codes as method documentations and remove useless space charactor at the end of a line - [May 23 2023](bugfix uGao): The issue that the MPlot occurs the error when the old MPlot setting file ( made by python2 ) is loaded. - [May 22 2023](bugfix uGao): The issue that the socket connection timed out error occurs again on macOS with arm64. - [May 22 2023](bugfix uGao): The issue that the socket connection timed out error occurs again on macOS with arm64. - [May 19 2023](updaate Utsusemi): Define new tag in CaseInfo to ignore the kicker in the range used for the conditions. - [May 18 2023](updaate Utsusemi): Add functions of D4Mat2Slicer to change the face color of the buttons to red while loading/saving the binary data on D4Mat2Slicer, to change the status of Load/Save buttons by the data reduction process. - [May 18 2023](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that some data reduction parameters change to default values after loading of the d4m, d4mz file - [May 18 2023](bugfix uGao): The issue that slice along X of the inelastic powder data causes core dump when the given lower value of Y range is below minimum of Y axis of the data. - [May 17 2023](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue of the core dump of D4Mat2Slicer occurs on executing the projection and slice just after save of the compressed data. - [May 17 2023](ubdate Utsusemi): Remove the preprocessor in UtsusemiD4Matrix2 code to ignore the function to treat the compressed data for Windows. - [May 17 2023](update Utsusemi): Change the extention of file name saved by D4Mat2Slicer with compression to "d4mz" - [May 16 2023](update Utsusemi): Add the function to ignore the kicker signals in the range of the conditions to UtsusemiTrignetCounter. - [May 16 2023](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that the partial imoprt of XtalParam info causes the change of Rotation info. - [May 15 2023](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that the work of normFactor on D4Mat2Slicer is not correct when normFactor value is ninus. - [May 08 2023](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that the works are not correct when the number of "Start Angle" is different from that of "RunNo" on D4Mat2Slicer with the continuous rotation mode. - [May 08 2023](update Utsusemi): Add UtsusemiShell on App mode. - [May 08 2023](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that EnvironSetting in App mode occurs error on PySide6.5.0 - [May 02 2023](update Utsusemi): Update the Doxyfile used by latest version of sphinx and the DoxySwit40.i - [May 02 2023](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that some docstrings of UtsusemiHeader are not conveted correctly on Doxygen + Sphinx + breathe - [Apr 30 2023](update Utsusemi): Improve App mode in Linux version - [Apr 30 2023](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that EnvironSetting app causes TypeError launched on PySide6.5.0 - [Apr 28 2023](update uGao): Update some GUI codes to remove DeprecationWarming with PySide6 - [Apr 28 2023](bugfix uGao): The issue that uGao software causes TypeError launched on PySide6.5.0 - [Apr 26 2023](update manyo): Update help for manyo library commands - [Apr 26 2023](bugfix manyo): The issue that some scripts to create manuals do not run on python3 - [Apr 24 2023](bugfix Installer): The issue that GUI applications cause the error on macOS Changes in 4.0.230418 ================================================================== Refer to :ref:`changehistory4.0.230418` in detail (only Japanese). - [Apr 18 2023](update Utsusemi): Update WiringInfo of SIK environment (ABC parameters) - [Apr 14 2023](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue of the error on lounching DlgSetUtsusemiEnv.py - [Apr 12 2023](update Utsusemi): Add the function to set automatically the angle-per-encoder value suitable for BL (SIK and AMR) into D4Mat2Utils::MakeCaseInfoFile Changes in 4.0.230411 ================================================================== Refer to :ref:`changehistory4.0.230411` in detail (only Japanese). - [Apr 11 2023](update Utsusemi): Update Makefile.py3.vc for including zlib. - [Apr 11 2023](update Utsusemi): Update D4Mat2Slicer code to save runlist information of Step-by-step mode into XtalParam info in the binary d4m data file - [Apr 11 2023](update Utsusemi): Update D4Matrix2 class for Windows. - [Apr 10 2023](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that the error happens on histogram creation when the data in the time slice region is empty. - [Apr 07 2023](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that DlgSetUtsusemiEnv.py causes the error in Windows 10 + python.org 3.9.13 + pip - [Apr 06 2023](update Utsusemi): Add MPlot app in utsusemi/bin - [Apr 06 2023](update Utsusemi): Update DlgSetUtsusemiEnv.py by VIC Changes in 4.0.230403 ================================================================== Refer to :ref:`changehistory4.0.230403` in detail (only Japanese). - [Apr 03 2023](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that GUI of D4Mat2Slicer shows old data reduction info though other run list is added ( only after execution of data reduction ). - [Mar 30 2023](update Utsusemi): Add compile option to avoid compile of the code using zlib on Windows. - [Mar 30 2023](update Utsusemi): Update some GUI codes to remove DeprecationWarming with PySide6 - [Mar 30 2023](update Utsusemi-DNA): Use UtsusemiEnvGetUserDir() to set paths instead of os.environ["HOME"] or /home/dnaadmin/ - [Mar 30 2023](update Utsusemi-DNA): Add some scripts to build on macOS with applesilicon. - [Mar 29 2023](update Utsusemi): Improve DlgSetUTsusemiEnv.py - [Mar 29 2023](bugfix Utsusemi-DNA): Improve return value treatment in AdvQECalculation::CalcQE - [Mar 27 2023](update Utsusemi): Add the function to fill the conversion parameter between encoder counts and angle with BL defaults when it is empty in loaded XtalParam info. - [Mar 23 2023](update Utsusemi): Add the checkbox to save data with compression in D4Mat2Slicer - [Mar 22 2023](update utsusemi): D4Mat2 data (d4m) does not include Projectin and Slicing info in XtalParam before doing projection and slice. - [Mar 20 2023](update Utsusemi): Add new function to change the conversion parameter between the count of the encoder signals and actual angle value. - [Mar 20 2023](update Utsusemi): Add TrigNET information into the WiringInfo at BL14 - [Mar 03 2023](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue about compile error on Windows - [Mar 03 2023](update Utsusemi): Update Makefile.py3.vc for latest Windows compiling. - [Mar 03 2023](update manyo): Update Makefile.py3.vc for latest Windows compiling. - [Mar 03 2023](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): The issue about compile error on Windows - [Mar 03 2023](update Utsusemi-SAS): Update Makefile.py3.vc for latest Windows compiling. - [Mar 02 2023](update Utsusemi): Add D4Matrix2::SaveXtalParam, add header information to the sliced eca to set default axes on M2Plot+ - [Feb 28 2023](update Utsusemi): Improved and fixed small bug. - [Feb 28 2023](update Utsusemi): Add new functions to add information to construct XtalParam on Step-by-Step mode of D4Matrix2 - [Feb 28 2023](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that DlgSetUtsusemiEnv treat incorrect Utsusemi evironment variables inside and save wrong variables as configure file. - [Feb 27 2023](update Utsusemi-SAS): Improve the method to ConvertToQspace::SetIncidentBeamRPMT to enable to use default position - [Feb 27 2023](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add new method to ConvertToQspace::SetIncidentBeamRPMT to give beam center position on RPMT by DET and PIX - [Feb 25 2023](update Utsusemi-SAS): Convert python code of SetRPMTMask2thetaByGrav to RPMTSetMaskBy2theta class in C++. - [Feb 25 2023](update Utsusemi-SAS): Update environ_ana.xml to use new RPMT between 205596 and 206271. - [Feb 25 2023](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): The issue that the Q calculation in ConvertQspaceWithGrav is not correct. - [Feb 22 2023](update Utsusemi): Add functions in UtsusemiD4Matrix2 to treat Xtalparam on step-by-step mode. - [Feb 22 2023](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that D4Mat2Slicer inserts extra tags into output XtalParam.xml on Step-by-Step mode. - [Feb 21 2023](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that step values at Slice on D4Mat2Slicer make the process freezed - [Feb 21 2023](update Utsusemi): Add new functions to store and to update XML about sample and data reduction information in D4Matrix2 - [Feb 21 2023](update Utsusemi): Fixed Typo in D4Mat2SlicerQ, but not influenced on works - [Feb 20 2023](update Utsusemi-SAS): Improved data treatments for histogram data with x-axis of d-value instead of lambda. - [Feb 20 2023](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): The issue that the error occurs on NormByBeamCurrent with RPMT data was used as a monitor (GetMonHist) - [Feb 19 2023](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add new facade function to make pixels masked on RPMT by given 2 theta with the effect of center positions dropping by a gravity - [Feb 17 2023](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add new measurement period information into RPMT data header. - [Feb 16 2023](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add new facade function about ConvertQSpaceWithGravity to treat new type of RPMT data treatments - [Feb 16 2023](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): The issue that QLamda limitation function in SectorAverage does not work correctly - [Feb 16 2023](bugfix manyo): The issue that MLF/database folder is not installed on macOS. - [Feb 16 2023](bugfix Utsusemi-DNA): Fixed for the compile errors of non-void function does not return a value - [Feb 10 2023](bugfix Utsusemi-DNA): The issues that AdvILambdaCorrectionDNA and AdvSolidAngleCorrectionDNA occurs core dump on Ubuntu in Docker on AppleSilicon macOS. - [Feb 09 2023](update Utsusemi-SAS): Remove useless visualization modules (VisualContM). - [Feb 09 2023](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add new DetectorInfo_newRPMT_230209.xml made by CreateRPMTDetectorInfoFromData - [Feb 09 2023](update Utsusemi-SAS): Update environ_ana.xml and DetectorInfo_newRPMT_origin.xml - [Feb 09 2023](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add new DetectorInfo_N2MON**.xml - [Feb 07 2023](update Utsusemi): Add new MaskInfo on SIK - [Feb 03 2023](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add the new functions to do QzProjection with only given banks. - [Jan 30 2023](bugfix Utsusemi): fixed small bug on compiling. - [Jan 30 2023](update Utsusemi): Improve compress and uncompress code in UtsusemiD4Matrix - [Jan 28 2023](update Utsusemi): Add new function to save d4m file with data compression on D4Mat2 Changes in 4.0.230126 ================================================================== Refer to :ref:`changehistory4.0.230126` in detail (only Japanese). - [Jan 26 2023](update manyo): Update ReadNeXusFile code to remove warning messages on comile. - [Jan 24 2023](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that the conversion error occurs on LoadDataFromSPE - [Jan 23 2023](update Utsusemi): Change definition of UTSUSEMI_WORK_DIR variable - [Jan 17 2023](update manyo): Improve comment descriptions to output on warning or error status. - [Jan 17 2023](bugfix manyo): The issue that compile warning occurs. - [Jan 17 2023](bugfix manyo): The issue of the failure to get beam current as CT9 - [Jan 16 2023](update Utsusemi): Improve definition of default WORK_DIR path in python-utsusemi/bin/_loadenv at the binary mode - [Jan 16 2023](update Utsusemi): Add Ana command in python-utsusemi/bin Changes in 4.0.230116 ================================================================== Refer to :ref:`changehistory4.0.230116` in detail (only Japanese). - [Jan 16 2023](update Utsusemi): Improve definition of default WORK_DIR path in python-utsusemi/bin/_loadenv at the binary mode - [Jan 16 2023](update Utsusemi): Add Ana command in python-utsusemi/bin - [Jan 15 2023](bugfix manyo): The issue that old command (python-config) is used on depend.mac - [Jan 15 2023](update manyo): Fixed some codes which cause warning on compile ( to use snprintf instead of springf, etc) - [Jan 14 2023](update uGao): Rewrite QtCom.py and uGaoUtil.py to be applied to PEP8 - [Jan 14 2023](update uGao): Move color map data from uGaoUtil to uGaoColorMap - [Jan 13 2023](update uGao): Rewrite hard-to-see codes for the list of color map data - [Jan 13 2023](update uGao): Improve the action to open MPlot and M2PlotPlusCui on macos - [Jan 12 2023](update Utsusemi-SAS): remove useless codes - [Jan 12 2023](update Utsusemi-SAS): Improve the plot style of the CreateRPMTDetectorInfoFromData results - [Jan 11 2023](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add original DetectorInfo_newRPMT.xml for CreateRPMTDetectorInfoFromData - [Jan 11 2023](update Utsusemi-SAS): Improve messages indications on RPMTDataConverter - [Jan 11 2023](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add new function to arrange RPMT DetectorInfo.xml for RPMT conditions - [Jan 10 2023](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that D4MatrixCalc causes core dump on executing. - [Jan 10 2023](bugifix Utsusemi): The issue that do_make_Utsusemi.py causes the error - [Jan 09 2023](update Utsusemi-SAS): Update SASDetectorInfoEditorRPMT class to use latest Utsusemi class as a base - [Jan 09 2023](update Utsusemi): Improve description of __version__ - [Jan 09 2023](update Utsusemi): Add new constructor with arguments to UtsusemiDetectorinfoEditorXXX class series. - [Jan 08 2023](update Utsusemi): Small change swig's option in Makefile.py3.mac - [Jan 08 2023](update Utsusemi): Changes UtsusemiDetectorInfoEditorBase to use UtsusemiDetectorInfoEditorTemplate - [Jan 07 2023](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add new functions to obtain gravity dropping parameter on RPMT - [Jan 07 2023](update Utsusemi): Add new class UtsusemiDetectorInfoEditorNeunet - [Jan 03 2023](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): The issue about ModuleNotFoundError on import Manyo.SAS - [Jan 03 2023](update Utsusemi-SAS): unify the code indent in RPMTDataConverter (replace a tab charactor with 8 spaces, trim spaces) - [Jan 03 2023](update Utsusemi-SAS): RTMPDataConverter uses SASDetectorInfoEdirotRPMT instead of BoostXmlParser - [Jan 03 2023](update Utsusemi): replace a tab charactor with 8 spaces, trim spaces (2) - [Jan 03 2023](update Utsusemi): replace a tab charactor with 8 spaces, trim spaces - [Dec 31 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that depend.mac occurs error - [Dec 31 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that the warning messages 'sprintf is deprecated' are shown on compiling with clang++ on macOS - [Jan 01 2023](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add new functions to do fitting on 2D map of RPMT data - [Jan 01 2023](update Utsusemi-SAS): Enables RPMTDataConverter to treat data conversion with given DetectorInfo - [Jan 01 2023](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add new class SASDetectorInfoEditorRPMT to treat RPMT information and read/write sas/rpmt block in DetectorInfo Changes in 4.0.230116 ================================================================== Refer to :ref:`changehistory4.0.230116` in detail (only Japanese). - [Dec 31 2022](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add uninstall option in Makefile.py3.mac - [Dec 31 2022](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): Small bugfix for compile on macOS - [Dec 31 2022](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): The issue that the warning messages 'sprintf is deprecated' are shown on compiling with clang++ on macOS - [Dec 27 2022](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): The issue that UBSlicer occurs error on PySide6 environment (2) - [Dec 27 2022](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): The issue that UBSlicer occurs error on PySide6 environment - [Dec 27 2022](update Utsusemi): Add DEFAULT_FONTSIZE environment variable in default bashrc - [Dec 27 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that DlgSetUtsusemiEnv does not work about treating WORK_DIR - [Dec 27 2022](update Utsusemi): Improve treating of working directory in applications using the environment variables - [Dec 27 2022](update Utsusemi): Add new method in DetectorInfoEditorBase to pick up list of detId of position information in DetectorInfo - [Dec 26 2022](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add functions to treat shift values for visualization area on RPMT + KEK - [Dec 23 2022](update Utsusemi): Rewrite RPM SPEC files for HPN - [Dec 23 2022](update Utsusemi): Add some files usefull for compiling Utsusemi on macOS with AppleSilicone - [Dec 21 2022](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add the functions to apply LLD and HLD for each axis on RPMTDataConverter class independently Changes in 4.0.221220 ================================================================== Refer to :ref:`changehistory4.0.221220` in detail (only Japanese). - [Dec 20 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue the results of DymPDF calculation are invalid on Windows Utsusemi. - [Dec 19 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that DetectorInfoEditorBase occurs error on compiling. - [Dec 19 2022](update Utsusemi): Add new methods at the classes around DetectorInfoEditorBase - [Dec 19 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): Typo in VisualContM ( Units of lattice constants ) - [Dec 19 2022](update uGao): Change the format to show scale parameters - [Dec 18 2022](update Utsusemi): Update codes to compile manyo-lib on AppleSilicon macOS - [Dec 18 2022](update Utsusemi): rename folder m1 to AppleSilicon including the scripts to build Utsusemi on macOS - [Dec 17 2022](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add new WiringInfo (WiringInfo_20221125.xml) - [Dec 17 2022](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add new WiringInfo (WiringInfo_after2021B_20220118.xml) - [Dec 16 2022](bugfix uGao): The issue that error occurs on plotting after changing X Key on DetectMap mode. - [Dec 13 2022](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add arguments in ConvertFromRPMTK2Psd to set LLD, HLD and limit of coincidence - [Dec 13 2022](update Utsusemi-SAS): Update environ_ana.xml from the beamline environment - [Dec 10 2022](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add new method in RPMTDataConverter to pull out the pulse height information from RPMT event data - [Dec 09 2022](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add new envion_ana.xml and DetectorInfo for RPMT - [Dec 09 2022](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): The issue that 2D data from QzProjection and MakeRegionOfSectAve is plotted with only index on M2Plot+ - [Dec 08 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): Improvement about treatment of cases in a frame using Ambiguity param=3 at UtsusemiFileterBase::CheckAmbiguousFrame - [Dec 08 2022](update Utsusemi): Add new functions to crean the dictionary of Run Data Path. - [Dec 08 2022](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): The issue that treatment of RPMT occurs error about 'No data of given run(s)' - [Nov 29 2022](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add installation bin/UBSlicer for debian package on Ubuntu22 - [Nov 29 2022](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): The issue about failure to install bin/UBSlicer for debian package - [Nov 29 2022](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add installation bin/UBSlicer for debian package - [Nov 28 2022](updata Utsusemi): Add new WiringInfo and update environ_ana for BL01 - [Nov 28 2022](update Utsusemi): Add new MaskInfo_220121.xml and update environ_ana.xml for BL01 - [Nov 28 2022](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add UBSlicer louncher in SAS/bin - [Nov 22 2022](update Utsusemi-SAS): Update bashrc.py3.SAS - [Nov 22 2022](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add ubslicer and MPlot aliases settings into bashrc.py3.SAS - [Nov 22 2022](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add environment variable MLF_T0PIDCHECK_IGNORED into bashrc.py3.SAS - [Nov 22 2022](update Utsusemi-SAS): Update do_make_Utsusemi.py to latest one - [Nov 22 2022](bugifx Utsusemi-SAS): The issue that the events outputted from RPMTDataConverter occurs warnings that T0 Event is broken becase module in T0Event is not same as given moduleNo - [Nov 21 2022](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): put environ_ana.xml back to use previous WiringInfo_newRPMT_190123.xml - [Nov 10 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that wrong python version is used in setting file of debian package for Ubuntu22 ( DATA_RDCT-177 ) - [Nov 10 2022](bugfix manyo): The issue that wrong distribution version is used in setting file of debian package for Ubuntu22 - [Nov 10 2022](bugfix manyo): The issue that wrong python version is used in setting file of debian package for Ubuntu22 - [Nov 10 2022](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): The issue that wrong python version is used in setting file of debian package for Ubuntu22 ( DATA_RDCT-177 ) - [Nov 10 2022](bugfix Utsusemi-DNA): The issue that wrong python version is used in setting file of debian package for Ubuntu22 ( DATA_RDCT-177 ) - [Nov 10 2022](bugfix Utsusemi-DNA): The issue that compile on Ubuntu22 environment failes - [Nov 09 2022](update Utsusemi): Fixed typo in setting files to make debian pakcage for Ubuntu22 - [Nov 09 2022](update Utsusemi): Add setting files to make debian pakcage for Ubuntu22 - [Nov 09 2022](update manyo): Add setting files to make debian pakcage for Ubuntu22 - [Nov 09 2022](update Utsusemi-SAS): Fixed typo in setting files to make debian pakcage for Ubuntu22 - [Nov 09 2022](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add setting files to make debian pakcage for Ubuntu22 - [Nov 09 2022](update Utsusemi-DNA): Add setting files to make debian pakcage for Ubuntu22 - [Nov 07 2022]( Bugfix of the issue that PySide2 installation fails on Windows Binary Installer for Anaconda Python. ): Bugfix of the issue that PySide2 installation fails on Windows Binary Installer for Anaconda Python. - [Oct 18 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that DetectMap occurs error at some conditions. - [Oct 18 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that ImportError about QAction occurs on PySide - [Oct 18 2022](bugfix uGao): The issue that ImportError occurs on PySide - [Oct 18 2022](bugfix Utsusemi-DNA): The issue that new facade functions are not shown on SequenceEditor ( DATA_RDCT-154 空蟬4:DNAの新しいモニターの処理 ) - [Oct 08 2022](update manyo): Update do_make_Manyo.py to change --without-para as default - [Sep 30 2022](update Utsusemi): Add DNA and NBR to instrument selection on Utsusemi Environment Setting Dialog. - [Sep 09 2022](bugfix 4.0): The issue that Syntax error occurs on using Makefile - [Sep 09 2022](bugfix 0.3.4): The issue that Syntax error occurs on using Makefile - [Sep 09 2022](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): The issue that Syntax error occurs on using Makefile - [Sep 09 2022](update Utsusemi-SAS): replace /usr/bin/python to python3 in some executable codes - [Sep 09 2022](bugfix Utsusemi-DNA): The issue that Syntax error occurs on using Makefile - [Aug 30 2022](bugfix master): Restore removed code at last update (Remove useless code which is required on old macOS environment. Recently not need.) - [Aug 29 2022](update master): Remove useless code which is required on old macOS environment. Recently not need. - [Aug 29 2022](update master): Add or improve docstrings of M2PlotPlusCui Changes in 4.0.220825 ================================================================== Refer to :ref:`changehistory4.0.220825` in detail (only Japanese). - [Aug 25 2022](update Utsusemi): improve treatments of environment variables in codes - [Aug 25 2022](update Utsusemi): improve version indication methods. - [Aug 16 2022](update Utsusemi): Update do_make_Utsusemi.py to be used on Ubuntu 22.04 - [Jul 20 2022](bugfix uGao): The issue that Confirm region menu occurs the error - [Jul 19 2022](update manyo): move function to treat MLF_T)PIDCHECK_IGNORED environment variable from T0TreatToolsBase to MlfHeader - [Jul 19 2022](bugfix manyo): typo of methods name around AcquireNeuntronSource series - [Jul 19 2022](update manyo): Add new function to AcquireNeutronSource codes to get proton current information from the server constructed by N.Okazaki placed outside of J-PARC. - [Jul 04 2022](update uGao): Change rule to create file names for SaveAsText.. function on uGao.MPlot. - [Jun 29 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): Fix typo on DetectMap GUI parts - [Jun 29 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that new plotter function on DetectMap causes the error - [Jun 27 2022](update uGao): Add CUI commands to load/save text file - [Jun 17 2022](bugfix uGao): The issue fails to import the external fitting function defined by BL staff and users. - [Jun 16 2022](update manyo): Add new environment variable MLF_T0PIDCHECK_IGNORED to ignore T0 pulse id check in MLF/T0TreatToolsXXX - [Jun 13 2022](update uGao): Add detId and PixelNo to the pixel information shown at u2dplot on moving mouse pointer. - [May 27 2022](bugfix manyo): Add new function to BoostXmlParser Changes in 4.0.220520 ================================================================== Refer to :ref:`changehistory4.0.220520` in detail (only Japanese). - [May 20 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): The about that data reduction for continuous rotation mode on D4Mat2Slicer - [May 20 2022](update Utsusemi): Gives default data dir path (UtsusemiEnvGetDataDir) to UtsusemiEventDataMonitor::_PathToDataRoot - [May 19 2022](update Utsusemi): Update MakeRunList to treat LakeShore336 information - [May 17 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that normalization by kickers on D4Mat2Slicer fails on using external script - [May 17 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that normalization by kickers on D4Mat2Slicer fails. - [May 16 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that normalization by kickers on D4Mat2Slicer fails at some caseInfo patterns with user external scripts on data reduction - [May 16 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): fixed small problems on D4Mat2Slicer - [May 16 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that normalization by kickers on D4Mat2Slicer fails at some caseInfo patterns - [May 13 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): Small typo on sub sindow of D4MatSlicer. - [May 12 2022](update Utsusemi): Remove print commands for PySide version - [May 12 2022](update Utsusemi): Update LICENCE.txt Changes in 4.0.220512 ================================================================== Refer to :ref:`changehistory4.0.220512` in detail (only Japanese). - [May 12 2022](update Utsusemi): Remove print commands for PySide version - [May 12 2022](update Utsusemi): Update LICENCE.txt - [May 12 2022](update uGao): Remove print commands for PySide version - [May 12 2022](bugfix uGao): The issue that FastPlot causes error on showing SetAxisTickStyleDialog. - [May 12 2022](bugfix uGao): The issue the function to turn on/off for Ticks mark on axes by checkboxes on FastPlot when matplotlib version is 3.0.0 or later - [May 11 2022](bugfix uGao): The issue the function to turn on/off for Ticks mark on axes by checkboxes on u2dplot when matplotlib version is 3.0.0 or later - [May 11 2022](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): The issue that compile error occurs in LambdaDependCorrection and TreatWhklWithUB on macOS - [May 07 2022](update Utsusemi): improve codes and output format on the conversion functions between U-V vectors and UB matrix in UtsusemiSqeCalc2 - [May 07 2022](update Utsusemi): improve and bugfix for the conversion functions between U-V vectors and UB matrix in UtsusemiSqeCalc2 - [May 06 2022](update Utsusemi): Add new conversion functions between U-V vectors and UB matrix in UtsusemiSqeCalc2 - [Apr 26 2022](update Utsusemi-SAS): update some files about debug mode ane MakeFile.obj - [Apr 26 2022](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add new class LambdaDependCorrection to correct data by the lambda dependency on the intensity - [Apr 24 2022](bugfix uGao): The issue thatn small intensity range is treated correctly on ParamDialog of u2dplot - [Apr 24 2022](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): The issue the warning on compiling RPMTDataCoverter - [Apr 22 2022](update Utsusemi): Add new method to give ElementContainerArray as sliced data on ShamotDymPDF class - [Apr 21 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): The issus that DetectMap shows error message on slicing along PIXEL and PSD - [Apr 20 2022](update Utsusemi): Add DyPDF function - [Apr 18 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that arguments of NormFactor and detectorEffi are not used on data reduction in D4Mat2 continuous mode with on-line analysis. - [Apr 18 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that D4Mat2 continuous mode with on-line analysis causes error. - [Apr 18 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that the experimental information is not shown on 2D-plotter of M2Plot+ produced by D4Mat2Slicer on continuous rotation mode. - [Apr 15 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that D4Mat2 continuous mode with on-line analysis causes error. Changes in 4.0.220408 ================================================================== Refer to :ref:`changehistory4.0.220408` in detail (only Japanese). - [Apr 08 2022](update Utsusemi): Add warning message for obsolete method UtsusemiD4Matrix2::ProjectionStepByStep. - [Apr 08 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): fixed do_make_Utsusemi.py to enable to distinguish OS version (RedHat series) correctly. - [Apr 07 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): The issus about showing a memory leak message - [Apr 07 2022](update Utsusemi): Revice codes to prepare for PySide6 - [Apr 06 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that finishing of DetectMap used on python interactive mode makes users leave the mode. - [Apr 05 2022](update uGao): replace obsolete use of QComboBox.activated for newer PySide6 - [Apr 04 2022](update uGao): Remove import statements using wildcard (2) - [Apr 04 2022](bugfix uGao): The issue that M2PlotPlus cannot produce hi-resolution GUI on launching from other application - [Apr 04 2022](update uGao): Remove import statements using wildcard - [Mar 30 2022](update Utsusemi): Update DoxySwig40.i for current source codes - [Mar 29 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): fixed wrong class name causing compile errors and fixed typo about comments with doxygen style - [Mar 29 2022](update Utsusemi): Improve the command tree structure of SequenceEditor to enable to change the group and commands list freely - [Mar 29 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that D4Mat2Slicer occurs error when Xtalparam is loaded on MakeNewMatrix dialog in file menu. - [Mar 28 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): Small fix about line-indents in code of UtsusemiSqeCalcXtalParams.cc - [Mar 28 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that UtsusemiSqeCalcXtalParam outputs a XtalParams.xml with wrong format about UBMatrix information. - [Mar 27 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that pixel info (Pixel position, Polar and Azimuth angles) by DetectMap summation or integration of given pixels does not correct. - [Mar 25 2022](update Utsusemi): Change method name from UtsusemiD4Matrix2::ProjectionStepByStep to ::Projection - [Mar 25 2022](update Utsusemi): Add the default values for arguments of methods in UtsusemiGetNeunetHistogram and WiringInfoEditorBase - [Mar 24 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that runNo the delimitor of runNo argument in GetDataOfMonochroEi3 must be comma - [Mar 24 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): Typo in GetDataOfMonochroEi3 docstring - [Mar 23 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that DlgSetUtsusemiEnv.py does not work correctly on saving file without change of beam line. - [Mar 23 2022](update Utsusemi): Improved environment settings - [Mar 23 2022](update Utsusemi): Add new facade GetEiMultiEi2 produced by R.Kajimoto - [Mar 23 2022](update Utsusemi): small improvement of D4Mat2Slicer about showing experimental information on M2Plot+ - [Mar 22 2022](update Utsusemi): Add desktop launcher for apps. - [Mar 22 2022](update Utsusemi): Update DlgSetUtsusemiEnv.py - [Mar 22 2022](update Utsusemi): Add scripts as App launchers - [Mar 20 2022](update Utsusemi): small improvement (changed args name of RotStep to RotAngle on GetOriginPixel seriese ) - [Mar 19 2022](update Utsusemi): Add some scripts to compile c++ codes of manyo+Utsusemi. - [Mar 19 2022](update Utsusemi): Add uninstall option to Makefile - [Mar 19 2022](update Utsusemi): Remove useless codes in WiringInfoEditor series - [Mar 18 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that some actions on D4Mat2Slicer about treating XtalParams and GUI is not correct. Changes in 4.0.220317 ================================================================== Refer to :ref:`changehistory4.0.220317` in detail (only Japanese). - [Mar 17 2022](update Utsusemi): Add facade functions CalcYRotAngle seriese and add functions to show command name on execute RadialCollimaterCorrect with UTSUSEMI_LOG_QUIET=y - [Mar 17 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that error calculation in ShamotoDymPDF class fails because of wrong conversion about Q values - [Mar 17 2022](update uGao): Add new color map of 'turbo' - [Mar 11 2022](update Utsusemi-SAS): Improve some functions to treat multi data using with CaseInfo analysis. - [Mar 08 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that core dump occurs in UtsusemiTrignetDictionary::SetClock - [Mar 08 2022](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): The issue that wrong results return when signal as virtual time origin has chattering region on TrigNET. - [Mar 07 2022](bugifx Utsusemi): The issue that import error of HPN/facade/Cmm.py - [Mar 07 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that nxspe file made by the other software cannot be read correctly. - [Mar 07 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): Small bugfix - [Mar 07 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that VisualContQ occurs error on using UtsusemiSqeCalc2 and UtsusemiSqeCalcXtalParams with UB matrix - [Mar 07 2022](update Utsusemi): Improve functions to treat UB matrix in UtsusemiSqeCalc2 class - [Mar 05 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that compiler shows some warning messages on macos. - [Mar 05 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that "the error for object : pointer being freed was not allocated" occurs on exiting from python3 after import Manyo.Utsusemi on macos - [Mar 03 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that deb packages comple fails because manyo/Makefile.obj is not updated about EventDataCreater class - [Mar 01 2022](update Utsusemi): Add functions to treat UB matrix in UtsusemiSqeCalc2 class Changes in 4.0.220228 ================================================================== Refer to :ref:`changehistory4.0.220228` in detail (only Japanese). - [Feb 28 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): fixed small typo in BaseCommands:CopyData - [Feb 20 2022](update Utsusemi-SAS): Improve Cmm.GetNeunetHistSAS to enable to give several run numbers - [Feb 20 2022](update Utsusemi-SAS): Update UBSlicer - [Feb 19 2022](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): The issue of TreatQhklWithUB that calculation with ViewAxes has problem. - [Feb 18 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): Improvement about treatment of cases in a frame using Ambiguity param=3 at UtsusemiFileterBase::CheckAmbiguousFrame(2) - [Feb 18 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): Improvement about treatment of cases in a frame using Ambiguity param=3 at UtsusemiFileterBase::CheckAmbiguousFrame - [Feb 18 2022](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add facade functions to Load/Save of ManyoBinary format - [Feb 18 2022](update Utsusemi-SAS): Improved UBSlicer to add save and load UB matrix parameters - [Feb 17 2022](update Utsusemi-SAS): Update WiringInfo and DetectroInfo for current status at BL Ana PC - [Feb 16 2022](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add new facade functions for the inelastic sacattering data treatments - [Feb 14 2022](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add new visualization application to use TreatQhklWithUB class - [Feb 14 2022](update Utsusemi-SAS): Update manyo/TreatQhklWithUB class to treat HKL with UB matrix - [Feb 14 2022](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): The issue that the calculation of is wrong. - [Feb 13 2022](update manyo): Add -std=c++11 to core/Makefile - [Feb 13 2022](bugfix manyo): the issue that ManyoData Binary format does not include units of ElementContainer data. - [Feb 13 2022](update Utsusemi-SAS): Update manyo/TreatQhklWithUB class to treat HKL with UB matrix - [Feb 11 2022](update Utsusemi-SAS): Update manyo/TreatQhklWithUB class to treat HKL with UB matrix - [Feb 10 2022](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add manyo/TreatQhklWithUB class to treat HKL with UB matrix - [Feb 01 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): remove useless codes and move messages for debug to show them on Debug mode. - [Feb 01 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that the calculated pixels are wrong when given Q position has distance from a horizontal plane - [Feb 01 2022](update Utsusemi): - [Jan 31 2022](update Utsusemi): improve EventDataConverterTemplate::SetDataPath to show search path - [Jan 31 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue core dump happened on histogram creation when given daqId or moduleNo are not defined in WiringInfo. - [Jan 28 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that CalcYRotAngleFromQ and GetOrigPixelFromQ do not work correctly(2) - [Jan 27 2022](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that CalcYRotAngleFromQ and GetOrigPixelFromQ do not work correctly - [Jan 27 2022](update Utsusemi): Update Makefile.obj.vc to build Manyo.Utsusemi module on Windows Changes in 4.0.220125 ================================================================== Refer to :ref:`changehistory4.0.220125` in detail (only Japanese). - [Jan 20 2022](Bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that ABC parameter detID=70 was wrong. - [Jan 20 2022](Update Utsusemi): Simplify WiringInfo format in SIK/ana/xml for Utsusemi4 - [Jan 20 2022](Bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that error occurs when MakeNewMatrix and RebinMatrix on the menu in D4MatSlicer are executed. - [Jan 20 2022](Update Utsusemi): Add new argument at UtsusemiWiringInfoEditorTemplate::MakeTempWiringInfo to save xml information as a file. - [Jan 18 2022](update Utsusemi): Improve ABC parameters in WiringInfo to add new one - [Jan 05 2022](Update Utsusemi): Add new facade functions to treat Shamoto's DymPDF class Changes in 4.0.211227 ================================================================== Refer to :ref:`changehistory4.0.211227` in detail (only Japanese). - [Dec 27 2021](bugfix manyo): the issue overlapped intensity bins on summation in MlfArraySlicer::_MakeRectXbinCutData - [Dec 26 2021](update manyo): Improve to return false when the result of SearchInHeader is empty. - [Dec 25 2021](Update Utsusemi): Add new class to create event data - [Dec 25 2021](Update Utsusemi): Add new cyclic data treatment on TrigNET with a virtual time origin and a counter by 25Hz trigger - [Dec 22 2021](Update Utsusemi): Improve Shamono's DymPDF class to produce G(r,hw) 2D map by using of given r's bin width and max value. - [Dec 21 2021](Update Utsusemi): Improve Shamono's DymPDF calculation code to use Inelastic-Powder-Data directly. Changes in 4.0.211217 ================================================================== Refer to :ref:`changehistory4.0.211217` in detail (only Japanese). - [Dec 17 2021](bugfix manyo): The issue that HeaderBase::InputString cannot treat previous format of string header info ( causes the core dump error ) Changes in 4.0.211203 ================================================================== Refer to :ref:`changehistory4.0.211203` in detail (only Japanese). - [Dec 03 2021](Update Utsusemi): Enable to find given run numbers in other data folders like (SIK, SIK00, SIK01,...) in MakeRunList function - [Dec 03 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that an argument of Com:IntegPixels facade is not treated correctly on SequenceEditor - [Dec 03 2021](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add new params to IncohCalcFor3HeSpinFilter. - [Nov 26 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that error occurs on executing the projection on D4Mat2Slicer using Step-by-step data. - [Nov 19 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that error occurs on cutting along PSD and Pixel on DetectMap - [Nov 17 2021](update Utsusemi-SAS): Update WiringInfo for added PSD at HL and HD - [Nov 11 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): fixed wrong letter on VisualContM GUI. Changes in 4.0.211022 ================================================================== Refer to :ref:`changehistory4.0.211022` in detail (only Japanese). - [Oct 21 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that the error occurs on saving d4m file in D4Mat2Slicer - [Oct 21 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that array variables created in D4MatGroup are not deleted correctly - [Oct 14 2021](Update Utsusemi): Improve D4Mat2Slicer to enable to do data reduction with several run numbers at a time - [Oct 11 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): Improved and fixed the way to calculate rotation angle steps on the virtual mode of both D4MatSlicer and D4Mat2Slicer - [Oct 04 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that slicing on VisualContQ fails when the X-axis label text includes comma. - [Oct 04 2021](update uGao): Update to treat new format of Manyo::HeaderBase::DumpToString - [Oct 04 2021](bugfix manyo): The issue that previous format in HeaderBase::DumpToString and InputString cannot treatment. - [Oct 04 2021](update manyo): Improve the format used in HeaderBase::DumpToString and InputString to avoid incorrect treatment of Key and string including comma charactor Changes in 4.0.211003 ================================================================== Refer to :ref:`changehistory4.0.211003` in detail (only Japanese). - [Oct 03 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that data treatment for Qx-Qy-Qz text on VisualContQ causes core dump - [Sep 21 2021](update Utsusemi): Add some comments and fix return values of CalcYRotAngleFromQ function series - [Sep 15 2021](update Utsusemi): Replaced print function to UtsusemiMessage series - [Sep 14 2021](update Utsusemi): Add function to find rotation angle around Y axis from the Q position on energy - momentum transfer space - [Sep 03 2021](update Utsusemi): Add function to find pixel position from the Q position on energy - momentum transfer space - [Sep 02 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that error occurs on reading .d4m file in D4Mat2Slicer Changes in 4.0.210830 ================================================================== Refer to :ref:`changehistory4.0.210830` in detail (only Japanese). - [Aug 30 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that some text labels on GUI parts are collapsed with hi resolusion display and 200% of text size setting on window - [Aug 30 2021](bugfix uGao): The issue that some text labels on GUI parts are collapsed with hi resolusion display and 200% of text size setting on window - [Aug 27 2021](bugfix uGao): The issue that YZ slice aside 2D Plot does not shown on clicking plot. - [Aug 27 2021](update Utsusemi): Add functions to remove run no from run list on D4Mat2Slicer - [Aug 26 2021](update Utsusemi): Remove the way of import module using wildcard like from import * - [Aug 25 2021](update Utsusemi): Improve XML treatment in SetMask in order to increase the processing speed. - [Aug 25 2021](update manyo): Add new method to BoostXmlParser to treat directly innder node of boost::property_tree/ptree in order to increase the processing speed. - [Aug 18 2021](update uGao): Improve checking range method in continuous slicing. - [Aug 11 2021](update Utsusemi): Improve Reading step size in ReadEventData to be calculated from T0Index values. - [Aug 06 2021](update manyo): Add method to MlfArraySlicer to add LABEL information to given ElementContainer - [Aug 06 2021](update uGao): Improve the continuous slicing function of M2PlotPlus. - [Aug 05 2021](update uGao): Improve the continuous slicing function of M2PlotPlus. - [Aug 03 2021](update Utsusemi): Improve the function of XtalParam.xml treatment to enable to read/write the partial information - [Jul 29 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that UtsusemiContainerTextConverter occurs error on reading a text file outputed by itself. - [Jul 28 2021](bugfix Utsusemi-DNA): The issue that Import Error of VisualModule occurs on SequenceEditor. - [Jul 21 2021](update manyo): Add new option for CalcRangeAsBinCenterZero function. - [Jul 21 2021](bugfix uGao): The issue that continuous slicing function of M2PlotPlus occurs error and does not work correctly. - [Jul 19 2021](update Utsusemi): Rename DoxySwig.i to DoxySwig40.i to distinguish one of Utsusemi4.1 or later - [Jul 19 2021](update Utsusemi): Update the swig interface file of Doxygen documentations. - [Jul 19 2021](update Utsusemi): Add some comments to UtsusemiSqeCalc and UtsusemiSqeCalc2 - [Jul 19 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that scripts to make DoxySwig.i does not support python3 - [Jul 19 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that there are Warning message on compiling. - [Jul 16 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that DetectMap can not treat correctly M2Plot+ - [Jul 14 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that DetectMap shows some warnings on matplotlib 3.3 - [Jul 14 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that DetectMap occurs error when mouse pointer moves on color bar area - [Jul 14 2021](bugfix uGao): The issue that uGao plotters show warnings on matplotlib 3.3 - [Jul 14 2021](bugfix M2PP): スライス表示などのAxesインスタンス使用方法見直し Changes in 4.0.210713 ================================================================== Refer to :ref:`changehistory4.0.210713` in detail (only Japanese). - [Jul 13 2021](update Utsusemi): Replace some print commands to Utsusemi logging commands - [Jul 12 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that compile error occurs on Windows - [Jul 12 2021](bugfix manyo): The issue that the diagonal cutting does not work correctly on MlfArraySlier - [Jul 09 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): Bugfix of the issue that the calculation of 3rd frame TOF (using a frame boundary TOF and frame periods) is wrong when one kicker is lack. - [Jul 01 2021](bugfix uGao): The issue that slice with wrong range occurs when delta bin size is larger than difference of range. - [Jun 24 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): Bugfix of the issue that D4Mat2Slicer does not read the setting of Time-independ background from XtalParam.xml on D4Mat2Slicer. - [Jun 15 2021](update Utsusemi): Ignore useless signals from TrigNET to create virtual time origin for time division - [Jun 15 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that wrong raw data files which name include RunNo different with one included in folder name on histogram creation. - [Jun 14 2021](Bugfix M2PP): Disable the matplotlib font manager logger. - [Jun 11 2021](Update M2PP): Change the format of slicing parameters on the plots. - [Jun 11 2021](Update M2PP): Change precisions of slicing parameters on the plots. - [Jun 10 2021](Update M2PP): Add slicing parameters on the plots. - [Jun 01 2021](update manyo): Update the path of access cgi to get proton current information - [May 26 2021](update uGao): Add CUI function on M2PlotPlus to change units - [May 25 2021](update Utsusemi-DNA): Add and improve some files to make debian package for DNA (2) - [May 23 2021](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): Add manyo/CC_Files_Dependence to compile on building deb package. - [May 23 2021](update Utsusemi-SAS): Update script to make debian package of mlf-utsusemi-sas - [May 23 2021](update Utsusemi-DNA): Add and improve some files to make debian package for DNA - [May 23 2021](update Utsusemi-DNA): Add 4.0 branch : improve installation by adding Makefile including copy python scripts. - [May 21 2021](update Utsusemi): Rename VisualModule facade form VisualModuleQ to VisualModule - [May 21 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue of failure to import Utsusemi installed from debian packages because of using old Makefile.obj - [May 21 2021](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): The issue that VisualModule facade occurs error in SequenceEditor script made on 0.3.7 - [May 21 2021](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add new WiringInfo from BL PC - [May 20 2021](update Utsusemi): Add some functions on D4Mat2Slicer to know what task is executing, improve file name to save SPE and nxspe. - [May 11 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue error occurs on showing Ei value in VisualContQ - [May 07 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that it does not work to do data reduction using the external script file on continuous rotation method in D4Mat2Slicer - [May 07 2021](update Utsusemi): Replace literal to constant value defined in Manyo - [May 06 2021](Update Utsusemi): Add Shamoto's DymPDF calculation code by conversion from Fortran to C++ - [May 06 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that Bose Factor correction does not work correctly on hw<0. - [Apr 28 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that data reduction of continuous rotation method occurs error - [Apr 28 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that error occurs on using external script with plural run numbers on D4Mat2 - [Apr 28 2021](update Utsusemi-DNA): Remove useless line form bashrc.py3.DNA - [Apr 28 2021](update Utsusemi-DNA): Update bashrc.py3.DNA from BL's PC - [Apr 28 2021](update Utsusemi-DNA): Add Extract_runlist_DNA.py for D4Matrix on DNA - [Apr 27 2021](update Utsusemi): Add MaskInfo_191215_RC.xml on SIK environment - [Apr 26 2021](update Utsusemi): Improved functions to use VisualContM on DNA environment. - [Apr 26 2021](update Utsusemi): Improved functions to use D4MatSlicer on DNA environment. - [Apr 23 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): - [Apr 22 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that the output to Nxspe file causes error and improve the RadialCollimatorCorrect to check data size between dat and vdat - [Apr 22 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue of compile error on CentOS 7 - [Apr 22 2021](update Utsusemi-DNA): Update some files by current ana PC at the instrument - [Apr 21 2021](bugfix Utsusemi-DNA): The issue that treatment of events was wrong just after kickers are lost - [Apr 20 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that it causes error to treat external script of data reduction on Step-by-Step mode in D4Mat2Slicer - [Apr 20 2021](update uGao): Add ".txt" extention to filename automatically for SaveAsText on M2PlotPlus - [Apr 19 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that NXSPE made from Manyo codes causes errors when Manitd MSlice reads it. - [Apr 19 2021](bugfix manyo): The issue that NXSPE made from Manyo codes causes errors when Manitd MSlice reads it. - [Apr 19 2021](update uGao): Add CUI function on M2PlotPlus to close - [Apr 16 2021](update uGao): Add CUI function on M2PlotPlus to close - [Apr 16 2021](update uGao): Add CUI function on M2PlotPlus to save data as text file. - [Apr 15 2021](update Utsusemi): Add new parameters for data reduction on D4Mat2 - [Apr 14 2021](update Utsusemi): Add data correction function to correct uneven intensity over PSDs produced by the radial collimator installed in BL01 - [Apr 14 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): Fixed small typo and button descriptions on some dialogs on D4Mat2Slicer - [Apr 13 2021](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add files to make Debian package on Ubuntu 20 and remove useless files. - [Apr 09 2021](update Utsusemi): Add some setting files to make the debian binary install on Ubuntu20.04 - [Apr 08 2021](update Utsusemi): Add functions to reset D4mat2 data and status to [Set Parameters] button when data reduction parameters are changed on D4Mat2Slicer - [Apr 05 2021](bugfix uGao): The issue that M2PlotPlus and MPlot occur error on Windows Anaconda environment - [Apr 02 2021](update Utsusemi): Improve the behavior of combo-box and button for data conversion on D4Mat2Slicer - [Apr 02 2021](update Utsusemi): Add funcitons to make and treat virtual D4Mat2 data Changes in 4.0.210401 ================================================================== Refer to :ref:`changehistory4.0.210401` in detail (only Japanese). - [Apr 01 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that Step values for slicing on D4Mat2Slicer are not restored correctly. - [Mar 31 2021](update Utsusemi): Remove useless comment lines and rename class D4MatRSlicer to D4Mat2Slicer - [Mar 31 2021](update Utsusemi): Add icons for D4MatSlicer and D4Mat2Slicer - [Mar 31 2021](update Utsusemi): Replace pictures for splash and log on Sequencer, VisualContM, D4MatSlicer and so on. - [Mar 31 2021](update Utsusemi): Update data reduction part of continuous rotate mode only to put histogram data into D4Mat2 data for output to D4Mat2 binary file - [Mar 29 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that Saving XtalParam.xml causes error due to wrong values for some data reduction parameters - [Mar 29 2021](update Utsusemi): Enable to save D4Mat2 data as a binary file on D4Mat2Slicer - [Mar 29 2021](update Utsusemi): Enable to save D4Mat2 data as a binary file - [Mar 28 2021](update Utsusemi): Enable to save D4Mat2 data as a binary file - [Mar 23 2021](update Utsusemi): Enable to convert nxspe file on D4Mat2Slicer - [Mar 23 2021](bugfix uGao): The issue that plot of data cut along Y-axis shows only first line of sub title. - [Mar 23 2021](bugfix uGao): The issue that show-grid button changes current window size on M2Plot+ - [Mar 23 2021](bugfix uGao): - [Mar 22 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that [Add Run List] on D4Mat2Slicer (add run_list.txt) does not work correctly. - [Mar 22 2021](update Utsusemi): Replace some string literal to static const string - [Mar 22 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): The issus of compile error with the code including to_string on gcc version 5.4 on Ubuntu16 - [Mar 22 2021](update Utsusemi): Add folding info into SubTitle of M2Plot+ from D4Mat2 and some small updates. - [Mar 22 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that D4Mat2Slicer could not treat an unit correctly. - [Mar 22 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): fixed the charactor for attice consts c, renamed the button to send parameters from Sub to Main panel - [Mar 22 2021](update uGao): Add the button to turn grid on/off and set default color of grids to blue - [Mar 22 2021](update uGao): Add the button to turn grid on/off and set default color of grids to blue - [Mar 20 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue of failure to save template file to execute the optional data reduction code on D4Mat2Slicer - [Mar 20 2021](bugfix uGao): The issue that some results of fitting are not shown. - [Mar 19 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that marks on tab title does not indicate data treatments and slice button is disabled after projection - [Mar 19 2021](bugifx Utsusemi): Failed to execute projection on VisualContQ because of adding the check function for linearly independent on axes of the projection - [Mar 19 2021](update Utsusemi): - [Mar 19 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): Fixed typo, which occurs compile error. - [Mar 19 2021](update Utsusemi): Change some variables name. - [Mar 19 2021](update Utsusemi): Remove useless comments in UtsusemiD4Matrix2 code. - [Mar 18 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that conversion to SPE on Step-by-Step mode occurs core dump. - [Mar 18 2021](update Utsusemi): Add brief check of linearly independent between given projection axes - [Mar 18 2021](update Utsusemi): Add the function to estimate memory occupancy on data reduction in D4Mat2Slicer - [Mar 18 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that error occurs when projection with not orthogonal axes is executed on VisualContQ - [Mar 18 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that failure to read run_list file on Step-by-Step mode of D4Mat2Slicer - [Mar 17 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that execution of MakeVirtualMatrix on D4MatSlicer causes core dump - [Mar 17 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that ElementContainer sliced on VisualContM (UtsusemiSqeCalc2) does not have correct unit. - [Mar 17 2021](update manyo): Define rule to store an unit for each key - [Mar 17 2021](update uGao): Add function to clear plotted data for XZ slice and YZ slice as button and context menu - [Mar 17 2021](bugfix uGao): The issue that an unit for X axis on M2Plot+ is not indicated correctly on changing combobox - [Mar 16 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): fixed codes to avoid compile error on g++ 5.4.0 - [Mar 16 2021](update Utsusemi): Add functions to treat information around D4MatSlicer and XtalParam.xml - [Mar 16 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that the processing is slow just after open script file and that SequenceEditor shows twice the warning for overwrite existed file on save script dialog - [Mar 16 2021](bugfix Utsusemi): The issue that sliced data from VisualContM does not include a unit on each axis correctly - [Mar 16 2021](bugfix manyo): The issue that the sliced data from ElementContainerArray on MlfArraySlicer does not have a unit on X-axis - [Mar 16 2021](bugfix uGao): The issue that units list for X axis created from given data is wrong. - [Mar 16 2021](bugfix uGao): The issue that error occurs on loading old format parameter file saved as default - [Mar 16 2021](bugfix uGao): The issue that error occurs on fitting in MPlot - [Mar 16 2021](bugfix uGao): fixed type in the dialog of Save as Text... - [Mar 16 2021](bugfix uGao): The issue that a unit of data is not treated correctly in M2PlotPlus, and that there is useless button on toolbar - [Mar 12 2021](bugfix uGao): The issue that error occurs on pussing Back To : [Initial] button on Set View Parameters panel in u2dplot - [Mar 12 2021](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): The issue that HistBaseCommands::CheckT0bUpdate does not work correctly with ACE storage - [Mar 12 2021](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add correction function of poralization lambda dependency - [Mar 12 2021](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): Fixed the fomula of the correction for lambda dependency of poralization - [Mar 12 2021](update Utsusemi-SAS): Enable to give minus angle value in azim_range argument of GetAzimuthProfile function - [Mar 11 2021](bugfix 0.3.7): environ_ana.xml updated yesterday was wrong. - [Mar 11 2021](update uGao): M2Plot+ and u2dplot : When one window is activated by click, the other is brought up to front - [Mar 11 2021](bugfix uGao): The issue that MPlot does not show error bars on the log scale plot - [Mar 10 2021](update 0.3.7): Add new WiringInfo_210305.xml by R.Kajimoto - [Mar 10 2021](update 4.0): Add the function to estimate memory occupancy on data reduction in D4Mat2Slicer - [Mar 10 2021](bugfix 4.0): The issue that data conversion to D4Mat data does not work correctly on D4Mat2Slicer (PySide) - [Mar 10 2021](bugfix 4.0): The issue that data conversion to D4Mat data does not work correctly on D4Mat2Slicer - [Mar 09 2021](bugfix 4.0): The issue that '/data' is used in D4Mat2Slicer.py instead of UTSUSEMI_DATA_DIR environment variables - [Mar 08 2021](bugfix 4.0): The issue that text boxes on D4Mat2Slicer are empty just after launching - [Mar 06 2021](update uGao): Increse the number of decimal places in the value box for the intensity range on M2Plot+ - [Mar 05 2021](bugfix 4.0): The issue that D4Mat2Slicer with LineDriveConvTrignetMlf event data does not work correctry. - [Mar 05 2021](bugfix 4.0): Fix Latest WiringInfo include useless TrigNET module (00-253) - [Feb 19 2021](update 0.3.7): Add UtsusemiMessage commands at the begining of code of Facade functions to know the functions name and arguments executed in script - [Feb 19 2021](update 0.3.7): Add function to get an environment variable of UTSUSEMI_LOG_QUIET and add flag argument in UtsusemiLogger functions to show messages in spite of LOG_QUIET - [Feb 15 2021](update manyo): Remove useless file and add some descriptions to README.md Changes in 4.0.210209 ================================================================== Refer to :ref:`changehistory4.0.210209` in detail (only Japanese). - [Feb 09 2021](update 4.0): Improved the order of searching on FindParamFilePath and FindTempFilePath - [Feb 08 2021](update 4.0): Update bashrc.py3.XXX - [Feb 08 2021](update 4.0): Add codes to make debian packages (Ubuntu20) named mlf-utsusemi-ugao and mlf-utsusemi-ugao-dev - [Feb 08 2021](update 4.0): Add codes to make debian packages (Ubuntu18) named mlf-utsusemi-ugao and mlf-utsusemi-ugao-dev - [Feb 02 2021](update 4.0): Remove useless parameters descriptions from output of WiringInfo - [Mar 02 2021](bugfix uGao): Fixed typo of File menu - [Mar 02 2021](bugfix uGao): The issue of the different reactions of scale range setting between M2Plot+ and u2dplot - [Feb 01 2021](bugfix 0.3.7): fixed typo in SaveDataToSPE which causes error. - [Mar 01 2021](bugfix uGao): The issues that the actions of items of Display menu in MPlot by appearance of dialogs do not work correctly. - [Jan 30 2021](bugfix uGao): The issue that menu item 'print' causes error. ( Not sure the way to print out plot figure ) - [Jan 29 2021](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue of the compile error on Windows because Makefile.obj.vc includes the obsolete class. - [Jan 29 2021](update 4.0): Remove useless line from __init__.py on Windows. - [Jan 29 2021](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): The issue of the compile error on Windows because of typo of Makefile.obj.vc. - [Jan 29 2021](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): The issue that Manyo.SAS functions can not be used on Windows - [Jan 29 2021](update Utsusemi-SAS): Update Makefile.obj.vc and SAS.i.vc to append CalcScanTrajectory class on Windows - [Jan 28 2021](bugfix 4.0): The issue that some menu items of DetectMap are not working. - [Jan 28 2021](update uGao): Remove printer button on toolbar (ChartToolBar) - [Jan 28 2021](bugfix uGao): The issues of some mouse click actions and plotting with log scale on MPlot - [Jan 27 2021](update 4.0): Improve UtsusemiCheckDataProcess to enable to treat ElementContainer and -Array - [Jan 27 2021](update Utsusemi-DNA): Add some Header data to ElementContainer returned from GetHistogramMon. - [Jan 26 2021](update 0.3.7): Add new arguments to TreatSPE functions in order to give optional file names of PHX file and PAR file - [Jan 26 2021](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue that error happens when argument of UtsusemiReductionCommon::NormByBinWidth(str) is empty. - [Jan 18 2021](bugfix 0.3.7): Typo on the gauss function formula for fitting. - [Jan 15 2021](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): The issue of error occurs on compile Changes in 4.0.210114 ================================================================== Refer to :ref:`changehistory4.0.210114` in detail (only Japanese). - [Jan 14 2021](update 4.0): Remove useless intensity calculation step on pusing "Intensity Range Apply" button. - [Jan 13 2021](bugfix 4.0): The issue of the error occurs in DetectMap on changing values of "intensity ranges" - [Jan 13 2021](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue that core dump occurs on READOUT creating histogram with time slice when beginning time [sec] is not 0.0. - [Jan 12 2021](bugfix uGao): The issue of the error of launching M2PlotPlus on PySide environment - [Jan 04 2021](bugfix 4.0): The issue that script error happends - [Jan 04 2021](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): The issue that script error happends - [Jan 04 2021](bugfix Utsusemi-DNA): The issue that script error happends Changes in 4.0.201221 ================================================================== Refer to :ref:`changehistory4.0.201221` in detail (only Japanese). - [Dec 21 2020](bugfix 0.3.7): Fixed small typo on output file from UtsusemiFilterTrignet::DumpTrigEventFile (DIO0->DIO1, ...) - [Dec 11 2020](update Utsusemi-SAS): Improved about showing messages in CalcScanTrajectory class - [Dec 11 2020](update Utsusemi-SAS): Update to enable to compile on Ubuntu 20.04 and 18.04 - [Dec 11 2020](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add class to calculate the scan trajectory from pixel positions. - [Dec 02 2020](bugfix 0.3.7): set ABC parameters of detId=90 back to previous ones. - [Dec 02 2020](update 0.3.7): Update WiringInfo_201130.xml to use the corrected ABC parameters and rewrite the file with the new WiringInfo format. - [Nov 30 2020](update 0.3.7): Add new WiringInfo to be applied for the virtual DAQ system - [Nov 24 2020](bugfix 4.0): The issues that UtsusemiSqeCalc2 is not used in UtsusemiD4Matrix and UtsusemiD4Matrix2 - [Nov 24 2020](update 0.3.4): Added mask files for 7T magnet - [Nov 13 2020](update 4.0): remove useless code - [Nov 13 2020](update 4.0): Add scripts to make UtsusemiInstaller for Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04 and 20.04 - [Nov 11 2020](bugfix 0.3.7): Fixed some typos. Changes in 4.0.201110 ================================================================== Refer to :ref:`changehistory4.0.201110` in detail (only Japanese). - [Nov 10 2020](update 4.0): Update Makefile.obj.vc - [Nov 10 2020](update 4.0): Update and bugfix of the install script for Ubuntu - [Nov 02 2020](update 4.0): Update Makefile and do_make_Manyo.py for Ubuntu 20.04LTS - [Oct 26 2020](bugifix 4.0): The issue of the wrong formula is used to calculate c* axis from given lattice constants when alpha is not 90 deg or beta is not 90 deg - [Sep 25 2020](update Utsusemi-SAS): Remove FtlCalcDetectorEffi class - [Sep 17 2020](update 0.3.7): Replace CheckDataProcessed class with UtsusemiCheckDataProcess class - [Sep 17 2020](update Utsusemi-SAS): Replace CheckDataProcessed functions with methods of UtsusemiCheckDataProcess class - [Sep 10 2020](update 0.3.7): Change codes to use MLF.AverageElementContainerMatrix insteed of AverageElementContainerChoppers and remove it. - [Sep 10 2020](update 0.3.7): Change codes to use MLF.AverageElementContainerMatrix insteed of AverageElementContainerChoppers and remove it. - [Sep 10 2020](update 0.3.7): Change codes to use MLF.AverageElementContainerMatrix insteed of AverageElementContainerChoppers and add new facade Com::IntegPixels - [Sep 10 2020](update 0.3.7): Update compile script to set the distribution name automatically and show the error occured during script running obviously - [Sep 10 2020](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue that doxygen documentation of UtsusemiGetHistogaramTemplate fails - [Sep 10 2020](update 0.3.7): Update method of the documentation - [Sep 10 2020](update Utsusemi-SAS): Change codes to use MLF.AverageElementContainerMatrix insteed of Utsusemi.AverageElementContainerChoppers - [Sep 08 2020](update 0.3.7): To use string variables insteed of string reterals in MakeRunListFromParamIROHA2::MakeRunList and BaseCommandsInEla::LoadRunListToExtract - [Sep 08 2020](update 0.3.7): Update MakeRunList command to use 7T magnet device - [Sep 08 2020](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): The issue that data reduction of RPMT fails when run folder is not in /data/SAS ($UTSUSEMI_DATA_DIR/SAS) - [Sep 08 2020](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add new function to I0LambdaCorrection to apply the lambda dependency of polarization Changes in 4.0.200828 ================================================================== Refer to :ref:`changehistory4.0.200828` in detail (only Japanese). - [Aug 28 2020](bugfix 4.0): The issue that the NavigationToolBar does not work correctly on matplotlib 3.0.2 - [Aug 28 2020](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add new function to calculate coherent and incoherent scattering from data set with spin flipper on/off with multi-scattering effect - [Aug 27 2020](update Utsusemi-SAS): Fixed indent code. - [Aug 26 2020](bugfix 4.0): The issue that the DetectMap.py causes the error under matplotlib 3.3.x - [Aug 25 2020](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): The issue of the compile error in Windows - [Aug 24 2020](bugfix 4.0): The issue that the wrong PSD-Pixel regions are selected by dragging on plot area of DetectMap under ZOOM cituation. - [Aug 24 2020](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue that GUI parts is not suitable for font on Ubuntu 18.04 - [Aug 24 2020](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue that the detectors order in NEUNET is not applied correctly on making histogram, and so on. - [Jul 21 2020](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue that the error message does not show when given Trigger IO name is invalid. - [Jun 25 2020]( Merge branch '0.3.7' of https //github.com/mlfcomp/Utsusemi into 0.3.7): Merge branch '0.3.7' of https://github.com/mlfcomp/Utsusemi into 0.3.7 - [Jun 25 2020](update 0.3.7): Add new WiringInfo for virtualization DAQ system on BL14(AMR) - [Jul 10 2020](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): The issue that MakeRegionOfSectAve gives the name on Q-Lambda files different with the name required from SectorAverage - [Jun 25 2020](bugfix 0.3.7): Small bugfix of the message shown on reading event data files. - [Jun 25 2020](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add new argument in Cmm.IncohCalcFor3HeNSF to add the absorption correction of the flight path depended on 2 theta - [Jun 24 2020](update 4.0): Improve some codes actions on a debug mode ( add BoostXmlParser::SetQuiet method with UtsusemiEnvGetDebugMode and so on) - [Jun 23 2020](update 0.3.7): Add new facade function IntegPixels to integrate pixels in ElementContainerMatrix ( use insteed of SumOfPixels ) - [Jun 23 2020](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add new facade function IntegPixels to integrate pixels in ElementContainerMatrix ( use insteed of SumOfPixels ) - [Jun 22 2020](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add data text file (Polarization vs lamda) to be used in Cmm.IncohCalcFor3HeNSF facade - [Jun 22 2020](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add facade function named IncohCalcFor3HeNSF to use IncohCalcFor3HeSpinFilterCaclCohIncScatForSpinFilter to calculate coherent and incoherent scatterings from data set with spin flipper on/off - [Jun 22 2020](update Utsusemi-SAS): Rename CalcCohIncScatForSpinFilter to IncohCalcFor3HeSpinFilter - [Jun 19 2020](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add new class CaclCohIncScatForSpinFilter to calculate coherent and incoherent scatterings from data set with spin flipper on/off - [Jun 18 2020](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue that GetNeunetHist occurs core dump when data files of given run number are not found on UtsusemiLoggerOff() - [Jun 18 2020](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add SaveDataToManyoBinary and LoadDataFromManyoBinary - [Jun 17 2020](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue that MakeRunList makes invalid output at IROHA1 data and ignores isCT8n=False on flag_option=4 (show all values) - [Jun 12 2020](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue that data reduction of the step-by-step method on D4Mat2Slicer does not work - [Jun 12 2020](update Utsusemi-SAS): Update data file for detector efficiency correction ( expanding the angle range ) - [Jun 12 2020](bugfix 4.0): fix of some GUI parts positions and descriptions - [Jun 12 2020](bugfix 4.0): The issue that there are some bugs in Step-by-Step data reduction in D4Mat2Slicer and M2PlotPlus plotting of sliced data - [Jun 08 2020](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): Update new argument of TwoThetaRange on the MakeRegionOfSectAve to use data in the range of given two theta values and fixed the issue of wrong output - [Jun 06 2020](bugfix 4.0): The issue about failure to read XtalParam.xml - [Jun 03 2020](bugfix 0.3.7): Fixed typo of the button label in D4MatSlicer - [May 28 2020](bugifx 0.3.7): The issue that UtsusemiSqeCalcXtalParams::PutAxRange method is old to be called from UtsusemiSqeCalc::ConvertToD4Mat - [May 29 2020](update Utsusemi-SAS): The memory leak in SectorAverageByAngle::_MakeQHistogram - [May 29 2020](update Utsusemi-SAS): Update xml files in SAS/ana/xml/ by BLs PC - [May 21 2020](bugfix 4.0): The issue that some D4MatSlicer file dialogs do not work correctly and small bugfix. - [May 21 2020](update 0.3.7): Add a function to get the summation of raw neutron counts at the end of data reduction steps in D4Matrix data treatment - [May 15 2020](bugfix 0.3.7): the issue that D2Vis.py causes the error on reading text file in a kind format. - [May 14 2020](update 4.0): Add SqeCalc2 to Makefile.obj.vc for compile on Windows - [May 12 2020](update 4.0): Improve debug mode treatment in UtsusemiSqeCalc and Calc2 - [May 12 2020](update 4.0): Improve matrix format in UtsusemiSqeCalc2 to be an universal transformation matrix. - [Apr 20 2020](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue that SaveDataToDAVEgrp returns wrong values when the intensity value is too small and described with e ( scientific notation ) - [Apr 17 2020](update 4.0): Improve methods names in UtsusemiSqeCalc2 - [Apr 15 2020](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue that Manyo module can not be loaded correctly in ana.Reduction.BaseCommands series - [Apr 15 2020](update 4.0): Remove unused comments and refine _SetMatrix in UtsusemiSqeCalc2 - [Apr 14 2020](bugfix 4.0): The issue of wrong treatment of coordinate transformation matrix - [Apr 14 2020](update 4.0): Add UtsusemiSqeCalc2 class to improve the logic for the coordinate transformation on analysis of single crystal measurements - [Apr 14 2020](update 0.3.7): Add new argument DetEffi to BaseCommandsInEla::GetDataOfMonochroEi2 and Ei3 to do the detector efficiency correction. (for SIK) - [Apr 02 2020](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue that TOF mask ( to remove T0 burst ) does not work. - [Apr 02 2020](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue that SectorAverageByAngle cannot read correctly "Qrange" text file in which empty row is included. - [Apr 02 2020](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add Trans.GetTransNormByMon and Trans.GetTransNormByMon - [Apr 02 2020](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): The issue that TOF mask ( to remove T0 burst ) does not work - [Apr 01 2020](update 0.3.7): Add new commands to control UtsusemiLogger - [Mar 17 2020](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue of memory leaks in live data reduction codes - [Mar 13 2020](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue that the irregular memory access occurs in codes around EventDadaDecoder and EventDataConverter - [Mar 06 2020](bugfix 4.0): The issue that some functions in BaseCommandsInEla cause error by the mismuch import names - [Mar 06 2020](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue that TreatSPE occurs the error in reading SPE file - [Feb 28 2020](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue that ArrayDataCut does not treat IntegRange values. - [Feb 28 2020](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add SetRPMTMaskBy2theta - [Feb 19 2020](bugfix 4.0): The issue that D4MatSlicer sends incorrect text information to M2Plot on slicing with foldings - [Feb 14 2020](update 4.0): Change UTSUSEMIMANYOVERSION to 4.0.1 - [Feb 13 2020](update 4.0): Make new facade of ArrayDadaCut enable to be used on Utsusemi4 - [Feb 13 2020](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue that ArrayDataCut facade does not come into SequenceEditor - [Feb 13 2020](update 0.3.7): Add ArrayDataCut facade to Com.py to cut array data using MlfArraySlicer - [Feb 12 2020](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue that string arguments of some methods in UtsusemiEventDataConverterTemplate and UtsusemiGetHistogramTemplate cannot be set from python - [Feb 10 2020](update Utsusemi-SAS): Correct value in DetectorInfo files to 8.0x8.0=64.0 - [Feb 05 2020](update 4.0): Update scripts for macOS binary installer to enable to work in any directory instead of home folder - [Feb 04 2020](update 0.3.7): update UtsusemiD4Matrix2 to use of dHWCorrect instead of HistogramBinToPoint and make it controlable. - [Feb 03 2020](update 0.3.7): Add new method on UtsusemiD4Matrix2 to switch averaging intensities or summation on slicing - [Feb 01 2020](update 4.0): Add scripts and environments to build the binary installer for macOS - [Feb 01 2020](update 4.0): Update some python scripts to be executed on Python3 environment - [Feb 01 2020](bugfix 4.0): The issue of failure to import Manyo.Utsusemi on macOS + python3 environment Changes in 4.0.200130 ================================================================== Refer to :ref:`changehistory4.0.200130` in detail (only Japanese). - [Jan 30 2020](bugfix 4.0): The issue that the intensity and error calculations in dHWCorrect are incorrect on macOS + pytho3 environment - [Jan 30 2020](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue of core dump error on executing UtsusemiD4Matrix2::ImportEcmsContRot - [Jan 24 2020](update 4.0): Update DetectMap to be executed with PySide2 - [Jan 21 2020](update 0.3.7): Add new argument to UtsusemiD4Matrix2::ImportEcmsContRot to choose data reduction functions executed in this method - [Jan 21 2020](update 4.0): Update visualization facades functions around DetectMap. - [Jan 21 2020](update 4.0): Remove useless comments from DetectMap.py - [Jan 20 2020](update 4.0): Add DetectMap.py for PySide + Python3 - [Jan 07 2020](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue of small memory leak in DetectorInfoEditorNeunet Changes in 4.0.191224 ================================================================== Refer to :ref:`changehistory4.0.191224` in detail (only Japanese). - [Dec 24 2019](update 4.0): Add new class D4Mat2Utils in D4Mat2SlicerQ.py to be used some functions in D4Mat2Slicer as API from CUI and a python script - [Dec 24 2019](update 0.3.7): Add new class D4Mat2Utils in D4Mat2Slicer.py to be used some functions in D4Mat2Slicer as API from CUI and a python script - [Dec 24 2019](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): typo in code SASDetectorEfficiencyCorrection.cc - [Dec 24 2019](update Utsusemi-SAS): Small improvement for some messages and ElementContainer treatments in some codes. - [Dec 19 2019](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): The issue that DoMask function does not retrun Error Message on SequenceEditor when given mask file is not found. - [Dec 17 2019](update 4.0): Define a special argument "EMPTYDAT" to be used at facade function as None value in SequenceEditorQ - [Dec 17 2019](update 0.3.7): Add new detecter effeciency data and script. - [Dec 17 2019](update 0.3.7): Add new WiringInfo and DetectorInfo for SIK from BL-PC. - [Dec 17 2019](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue that WiringInfoEditer puts wrong temporary file when original wiring file has incorrect headPixelId - [Dec 17 2019](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue that UtsusemiAnaEnvironReader::Read(UInt4,bool) returns error when no environ_ana.xml is found in data-folder given by run number. - [Dec 17 2019](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): The issue that old values used as a default of Banks argmument in SectorAverageByAngle cause the error - [Dec 17 2019](update Utsusemi-SAS): update WiringInfo and environ_ana.xml to current ones in beamline's PC - [Dec 17 2019](update Utsusemi-SAS): update codes to define new bank SCC and to use them - [Dec 17 2019](bugfix manyo): The issue that the calculation of the incident angle to detector is wrong. - [Dec 13 2019](update manyo): Move some variables in MlfDetectorEfficiencyCorrection from private to protected - [Dec 11 2019](update 0.3.7): Define a special argument "EMPTYDAT" to be used at facade function as None value in SequenceEditor2 - [Dec 11 2019](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add new facade ScaleIntensityBanks to scale the intensity of each bank to be easy to unify them into one data. - [Dec 11 2019](update Utsusemi-SAS): Move SASBankDic to new added file SASUtils.py and change some related codes. - [Dec 10 2019](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue that DetectorInfoEditorBase::PutBankInfo returns wrong format of contens - [Dec 10 2019](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add new WiringInfo to apply new installed PSD and change environ_ana.xml - [Nov 30 2019](update manyo): update to sort file names given as arguments in T0TreatToolsBase - [Nov 28 2019](bugfix 4.0): The issue that UtsusemiAnaEnvironReader - [Nov 28 2019](update 0.3.7): Add new initializing method on UtsusemiDetectorEfficiencyCorrection using with run number and mode number to get DetectorInfo file. - [Nov 28 2019](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue that GetEiFromEvent occurs the error and stops when given PSD range is not found. - [Nov 26 2019](bugfix 4.0): Remove the useless link to mxml library from Makefile - [Nov 19 2019](update 0.3.7): improved UtsusemiTrignetDictionary to apply to new DAQ component for counting signals of the rotary encoder information - [Nov 07 2019](update 4.0): Improved some parts of codes to reduce compile warning messages on Windows - [Nov 06 2019](bugfix 4.0): The issue that some variables to treat T0Index (T0Table) is not suitable type (not UInt8) - [Nov 06 2019](bugfix 4.0): The issue that the type of an internal variable is not suitable - [Nov 05 2019](bugfix 4.0): The issue that arguments of deltaX and offsetX in PsdBinInfo can not be set as Double values - [Nov 05 2019](update 4.0): Remove UtsusemiPlaneSlicer class - [Oct 08 2019](bugfix 4.0): the issue that the error values of 1D slice on D4MatSlicer are wrong. - [Oct 07 2019](bugfix 4.0): The issue that == and != are used in some comparisons between None and variable. - [Oct 07 2019](bugfix devD4Mat1DSlice): Some small problems on D4MatSliceQ are fixed. - [Oct 07 2019](bugfix 4.0): The issue that == and != are used in some comparisons between None and variable. - [Oct 03 2019](update devD4Mat1DSlice): Add 1D slice on D4MatSlicerQ - [Oct 04 2019](update Utsusemi-SAS): Update Cmm.DoMask to use newer method to find mask file path. - [Oct 02 2019](bugfix 4.0): The issue that slicing function of D4MatSlicer does not show the folding information on M2Plot+. - [Oct 01 2019](bugfix 4.0): The issue that D4MatSlicer does not update title and comment on M2Plot+ plotter when slicing - [Sep 25 2019](update 0.3.7): Update Makefile.obj.vc to compile on Windows - [Sep 21 2019](bugfix 4.0): The issue that D4Mat2Slicer does not work because the format of created CaseInfo is older. - [Sep 21 2019](update 0.3.7devNewCyclic): add function to distinguish between "condition to be ignored" and "decided case" on counter judging - [Sep 21 2019](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): The issue that histogram creation function causes the error with the latest version of Utsusemi 0.3.7 - [Sep 21 2019](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): Small bugfix about some comments and WiringInfo information - [Sep 21 2019](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue that D4Mat2Slicer does not work because the format of created CaseInfo is older. - [Sep 18 2019](update 0.3.7devNewCyclic): Update UtsusemiFilterTrignet::DumpTrigEventFile to enable to output trigger informations with decorations. - [Sep 18 2019](update 0.3.7devNewCyclic): Add new cyclic data treatment with trignet signals - [Sep 10 2019](update 4.0): Update scripts for compile in RedisPubSubMon - [Sep 09 2019](update 0.3.7): Add new RedisPubSubMonitor for Readout1d in UtsusemiRedisPubSubMon (2) - [Sep 09 2019](update 0.3.7): Add new RedisPubSubMonitor for Readout1d in UtsusemiRedisPubSubMon - [Sep 09 2019](update 0.3.7): Add new CuiD2Chart function to save plot file with auto intensity scale - [Aug 30 2019](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): The issue that the CalibEffi argument of GetMonHistSAS does not work on creating histogram of RPMT - [Aug 27 2019](update 0.3.7): Add the function to return the latest run number from run number folders (PutLatestRunNoFromDataFolder) - [Aug 19 2019](update ): update pyside2-uic files for VisualCont and D4MatSlicer - [Aug 08 2019](update 4.0): Update VisualContQ - [Aug 08 2019](bugfix 4.0): The issue that the number of digits on some text box is too long and so on. - [Aug 02 2019](update 4.0): Update SequencerQ to remove the waring message on latest Python3 - [Aug 01 2019](update 4.0): refine the positions and size for GUI parts of D4Mat2Slicer and VisualContM on macOS environment - [Aug 01 2019](update 4.0): refine the positions and size for GUI parts of D4MatSlicer and VisualContM on macOS environment - [Aug 01 2019](packaging ): Create contrib/0.3.7 - [Aug 01 2019](packaging ): Modify Dockerfile - [Aug 01 2019](packaging ): change requires mxml to manyo-deps-mxml - [Jul 25 2019](bugfix 4.0): Remove useless comments - [Jul 25 2019](bugfix 0.3.7): Fixed small bugs on reading Nxspe and par files and so on. - [Jul 19 2019](bugfix 4.0): The issue that the argument for the path to an initial sequence script in SequenceEditor does not work correctly when given path is relative one. - [Jul 18 2019](bugfix 4.0): The issue that unit is None on EC returned from AverageElementContainerChoppers - [Jul 10 2019](update 0.3.7): Remove Cmm.SavePowderDataToText - [Jul 10 2019](update master): Add new method WriteNeXusFile::WriteDataWithAttribute - [Jul 10 2019](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue that the definition of azimuth angle in .par file is wrong on Horace software - [Jul 09 2019](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue the failure to output file of the time independent background - [Jul 02 2019](update ): Add Makefile.py3.mac to compile C++ codes on MacOS with Python3 - [Jul 01 2019](bugfix 4.0): The issue that some gui parts of SequencerQ are not updated on MacOS with PySide2 - [Jun 28 2019](bugfix master): [bugfix] the issue that the compile on MacOS for 0.3.7 fails - [Jun 14 2019](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue of the failure to compile on Windows 7 - [Jun 14 2019](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): The issue of the failure to compile in Windows7 - [Jun 12 2019](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue that MakeRunListFromParams.py (for IROHA1) occurs error, which is caused by upgrade of the method to get beam current - [Jun 11 2019](bugfix 4.0): The issue of the failure to compile on Windows - [Jun 10 2019](bugfix 0.3.7): Small bugfix that the output format (.par) of TreatSPE is wrong and the loading dump file made by Utsusemi4 is failed. - [May 29 2019](bugfix 4.0): The issue that comments text for the slicing on VisualContQ cannot be displayed on M2Plot+ - [May 28 2019](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue that the sub-title position on M2Plot is not suitable for single crystal projection infomation - [May 27 2019](bugfix 0.3.7devTimeSlice): The issue that the slicing time ranges in CaseInfo are not treated correctly. - [May 27 2019](update 0.3.7devTimeSlice): Move SetRangeOfSingleTimeSlicing methods in several classes in UtsusemiEvnetDataConverterTemplate - [May 27 2019](update 0.3.7devTimeSlice): Enable to do SetTimeSlicing for many time slice ranges - [May 24 2019](update 4.0): Add EmptyM2PlotPlus to the Visualize panel of SequenceEditor on AMR and SIK - [May 24 2019](update 4.0): Add 'M2Plot' to launch M2PlotPlus on the shell and change default argument of VisualModuleQ::M2PlotPlus - [May 24 2019](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue that ToPowder fails to make Q binning when Q range (starQ and endQ) are given. - [May 24 2019](update 0.3.7): Add new color manp named terrain to M2Plot - [May 21 2019](update 4.0): update codes to set initial values in text box of the sub panel (MakeVirtual/New Matrix) in D4matSlicer - [May 21 2019](bugfix 4.0): The issue to fail to make temporal parameter files on Making Virtual D4Mat in D4MatSlicer - [May 14 2019](update 4.0): Update HPN codes to be executed on Python3 - [May 13 2019](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue that wrong filename of Nxspe was made by given filename argument without extension on SaveDataToNxspe - [May 08 2019](update 0.3.7): Add new option of do_make_Manyo.py and new environment variables in Makefile to control compile options depended on linux distributions - [May 07 2019](bugfix 4.0): On SaveDataToDAVEgrp function, rebinning function by binE argument is enabled and MASKVALUE values are removed from output file. - [May 07 2019](update 0.3.7): SaveDataToDAVEgrp enables to show the error message when given parameters are out of range. - [Apr 26 2019](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue that pixel position calculation is wrong, and update NxspeFileIO to avoid errors on reading data by not-existed name and update to treat mask flag more accurately. - [Apr 26 2019](update 0.3.7): Update codes of NxspeFileIO to avoid errors on reading data by not-existed name and update to treat mask flag more accurately. - [Apr 26 2019](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue that there are some memory leaks in NxspeFileIO.cc. - [Apr 26 2019](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue that the data loaded from Nxspe file can not be converted to powder data by ToPowder command. - [Apr 26 2019](update 0.3.7): Add new methods to read Nxspe file and its facade functions - [Apr 25 2019](update ): update VNR/facade codes by futurize --stage1 command. - [Apr 25 2019](update master): add bashrc.py3.VNR - [Apr 25 2019](update 4.0): Update VNR facade VisualModuleQ codes to apply to Python3. - [Apr 25 2019](update 4.0): Update VNR facade codes to apply to Python3 by using those of SAS. - [Apr 25 2019](bugfix 4.0): the issue that some descriptions for raise command are invalid and some import module descriptions are invalid. - [Apr 24 2019](bugfix 4.0): The issue that runNo and Ei are not displayed on M2PlotPlus by using from Sequencer and so on. - [Apr 24 2019](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue core dump occurs on creating histogram with pulse height info - [Apr 24 2019](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue error happens in SaveDataToDAVEgrp - [Apr 23 2019](update 0.3.7): Change default value for MaskFile argument of GetDataOfMonochroEi2 , -Ei3 - [Apr 23 2019](update 0.3.7): Add new MaskInfo to AMR and change environ_ana.xml - [Apr 23 2019](update 0.3.7): Add new facade functions to save data as NXspe file - [Apr 22 2019](update 0.3.7): Add new class to treat NXspe for MSlice ( only Write ) - [Apr 17 2019](bugfix dev037TimeDepBK): The issue that calculation of error values is invalid on using TimeIndependentBG - [Apr 16 2019](update dev037TimeDepBK): Improve functions to reduce the time-depend background(2) - [Apr 15 2019](update dev037TimeDepBK): Improve functions to reduce the time-depend background - [Apr 10 2019](update 0.3.7): Add new WiringInfo modified by R. Kajimoto and modify environ_ana.xml to use it after runNo 42329 - [Apr 09 2019](update 4.0): Change SaveDataToDAVEgrp to be executable on Utsusemi4 - [Apr 09 2019](update 0.3.7): Add SaveDataToDAVEgrp from TKtools.OutputQSliceToGrpText to change output text format for intensity and error. - [Apr 09 2019](update Utsusemi-SAS): Updated codes for effective uses of RPMT - [Apr 05 2019](bugfix 4.0): the issue that LoadDataFromDump (ECMSerialize) occurs import error of cPickle - [Apr 05 2019](update master): Add Makefile.py3.vc - [Mar 04 2019](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add facade functions to QSpace group for GetAzimuthProfile - [Apr 02 2019](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): the issue that UserWarning is invalid syntax on python3 - [Apr 01 2019](update 4.0): VisualCont - [Apr 01 2019](bugfix 4.0): The issue that SequencerQ.py makes log file in ~/ana/xml on non-debug-mode. - [Mar 29 2019](update PySide2): Improve some gui parts of D4Mat2Slicer on PySide2 environment - [Mar 29 2019](update PySide2): Improve some gui parts of D4MatSlicer on PySide2 environment - [Mar 29 2019](update PySide2): Improve some gui parts on SequencerQ and VisualContQ - [Mar 29 2019](update PySide2): Apply codes to both PySide and PySide2 - [Mar 27 2019](bugfix ): Remove DetectmapChangeData from VisualModuleQ.py and fixed the issue that the open of Visualize panel causes error. - [Mar 27 2019](update 4.0): Add some functions for the visualization on Sequencer. - [Mar 22 2019](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue that core dump happens when edb and t0b files are not consistent. - [Mar 21 2019](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue that Close button on Vaisualize panel of SequencerQ.py does not work. - [Mar 20 2019](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue that there are the unnecessary Q values calculation in ToPowder function - [Mar 19 2019](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue that wrong wiring info is used in histogram conversion with changing both a detector range and the number of pixels in one detector. - [Mar 19 2019](bugfix 0.3.7): the issue that FindRunDataFolder returns useless values when run number = 0 (dummy data mode) - [Mar 15 2019](bugfix 0.3.6): The issue that some method functions return indefinite values - [Mar 15 2019](bugfix 0.3.6): The issue that histogram creation fails on using many runs with short measurement periods into one histogram data. - [Mar 11 2019](update 0.3.7): Add the function to merge several run data sets which have same angle value. - [Mar 09 2019](bugfix 0.3.6): The issue that the mouse drag to select area on M2Plot does not work correctly. - [Mar 08 2019](bugfix 0.3.6): The issue that VisContMOutputFileByPhi makes wrong vbin file with using twice Y angle value when XtalParam.xml tags includes Y value. - [Mar 04 2019](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue that FastPlot fitting does not work correctly on using fixed parameter(2) - [Mar 04 2019](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue that FastPlot fitting does not work correctly on using fixed parameter. - [Mar 01 2019](update Utsusemi-SAS): Add facade/VisualModuleQ.py - [Feb 26 2019](bugfix 0.3.7): the issue that SetFrameBoundary cannot set correctly by giving argument using , format - [Feb 25 2019](bugfix Utsusemi-SAS): The issue that MergeSMSC4DetMap makes wrong pixels position data for bank SC - [Feb 20 2019](bugfix 0.3.7): the issue of invalid title line made by MakeRunList - [Feb 15 2019](update ): Replace new WiringInfo and MaskInfo corrected by PSD corrections with SIK038843. - [Feb 07 2019](update 0.3.7): Add some detectors to be masked - [Feb 07 2019](update 0.3.7): Add some detectors to be masked - [Feb 05 2019](update 4.0): create VisualModuleQBase.py to be used as base functions from XXX/facade/VisualModuleQ.py - [Feb 05 2019](update 0.3.7): Change the default values of arguments PixelRange on Trans.GetTransRPMTNormByMon - [Feb 05 2019](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue that the returned EC from GetSumRPMTPixelArea causes the error on Trans.GetCalcTransmittance - [Feb 05 2019](update 0.3.7): add new func. Trans.GetTransRPMTNormByMon - [Feb 04 2019](bugfix 4.0): The issue that push of [A] buttons in VisualContM before [Projection] causes core dump. - [Feb 04 2019](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue that push of [A] buttons in VisualContM before [Projection] causes core dump. - [Feb 04 2019](bugfix 0.3.7): The issue that MakeRunList makes unsuitable title line for Extract_runlist.y - [Jan 30 2019](bugfix 0.3.7): the issue that error on MakeRunList occurs. - [Jan 30 2019](update 0.3.7): change the default value of MaskFile argument in GetDataOfWhite. - [Jan 30 2019](bugfix 0.3.7): the issue the ambiguity of arguments in function abs - [Jan 29 2019](update 0.3.7): update MakeRunListIROHA2 for users to choose temperature sensors of A,B,C,D1,D2,D3,D4 from LS350 - [Jan 29 2019](bugfix 0.3.6): Bugfix the ConvertToQSpace::SetIncidentBeamWithGravity on using RPMT-KEK data - [Jan 28 2019](update 0.3.7): update default value of maskfile arguments in Extract_runlist.py - [Jan 28 2019](update 0.3.7): Add new AMR mask files - [Jan 25 2019](update 0.3.7): Replace corrected PSD parameters in new WiringInfo. - [Jan 25 2019](bugfix 0.3.6): Bugfix and improve the RPMT conversion function - [Jan 25 2019](update 0.3.6): Enable to do data reduction for the event data of RPMT-KEK - [Jan 25 2019](update 0.3.6): Add the data converter from RPMT(KEK) event data to PSD event data - [Jan 24 2019](bugfix 0.3.7): HeadPixelIds calculation is not correct on changing numPixel by SetDetRange - [Jan 24 2019](update 0.3.7): MaskInfo.xml for the broken PSD. - [Jan 23 2019](bugfix 0.3.7): Wrong descriptions on some parameter files for BL01 - [Jan 22 2019](update 0.3.7): Add new detectors information to the parameter files for the histogram creation - [Jan 19 2019](update 0.3.7): Rewrite some codes for Python3 - [Jan 18 2019](packaging 0.3.7): DockerのREADMEに生成されたRPMファイルの取得方法を追加 - [Jan 18 2019](packaging 0.3.7): Add files for building Docker image - [Jan 18 2019](packaging 0.3.7): Exclude .git directory from creating tar file - [Jan 17 2019](packaging 0.3.7): Add build script and modify utsusemi.spec - [Jan 17 2019](update 0.3.7): manyo/Makefile to be suitable for rpm build - [Jan 16 2019](packaging ): Add SPEC and patch files for RPM packaging